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Saturday, July 18, 2009

INFANT LOSS SUPPORT IN SO. VERMONT! SHARE is a wonderful support group.
Being a bereaved parent of unborn infants is difficult.Long ago, We had been in the No Vermont group, but I am unsure if they are still going on so this video is of the Southern Vermont Group.

You may wonder WHY I placed this here... My children in heaven are still part of my life even though Our babies died years ago.
Grief from the loss of a Child is the most longest lasting grief and research shows this is a grief that is sort of with you all your life.
To me, I find the pain acts so erratically. For example, There you are one sunny day, standing on the edge of the water at the beach. There you are enjoying the day when Boom!!!like an ocean wave, It can suddenly knock you over, pulling you into an undertow of sorrow and depression Or like the remaining water , grief can just puddle around your feet. The baby aisle in the grocery store becomes one you avoid.
If you so desire, please Watch the video and see a lovely group remembering their children in loving ways.
2 corinthians 1:3-6 is my life verse and comfort be to all of you who have experienced the razor pain of a baby's death.
hugs, grace

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